Your Body & Club Head Speed
August 14, 2022
New SMART Location Coming to Northbrook in Summer 2024
February 28, 2024It’s an early Friday morning, and you are driving your regular commute of about 20 minutes to work. You talked yourself into a half day of work. You proceed to sit and work hard for 4 hours daydreaming about the round of golf you will be heading to soon and with high hopes of shooting your new low! With pep in your step, you walk out of work and get into your car to drive to the course, about 35 minutes away. Barely arriving on time you walk right up to the first tee and….. Whack! First ball is out of bounds. You proceed with a couple bad holes. Some would say “I just need to warm up” but others would come to an educated conclusion that the 20 minute commute to work, sitting at a desk for 4 hours, and the commute of 35 minutes to the golf course is not conducive to asking your body to swing a driver at the first tee at 95+ miles per hour and expect excellence.
The lower body as we have grown to learn is a key aspect of the complicated golf swing. We can all agree that mobility and stability make this complicated movement noticeably easier. What we are asking our lower half to do in a golf swing deserves an entire explanation within itself. Our blog “How the Lower Body Moves In the Golf Swing” explains from the feet to the hips what the lower body is asked to do while creating an efficient golf swing.
At SMART Golf & Fitness Instruction, we practice understanding not only the physical abilities of the lower body but how their tolerance correlates to those findings with what the clients lifestyle entails. We see all of these limitations in our Initial SMART Assessment that each one of our members goes through in the initial process of becoming a member.
Did you know that the average American sits about 10 hours a day? This includes sitting while eating, commuting, work and leisure. Research shows that sitting more than 4 hours a day has several health risks. One of the health risks is what this does to your body when you are asking your lower half to “be silent”. The health risks of a sedentary lifestyle include heart disease, obesity, and back-ache.
At SMART Golf & Fitness Instruction, we design a program for each individual based on their needs and with the mindset that we will do everything we can to give each individual an opportunity to be their best. We lose sleep if we do not think we are providing each person a realistic expectation and all the resources needed to get closer to their goals. So, let’s STAND up and be SMART with our bodies.
About the Author

Cesar has an Associates degree in fine arts. He has been working in the fitness industry for 10+ years and has always had a passion for inspiring and challenging his clientele to go above and beyond. He has experience in training clients one-on-one in strength and conditioning. He also has experience with group fitness where he led up to 45 people in cardio conditioning and functional exercise to be better athletes.
Cesar is ACE personal training certified, NASM-AFFA group fitness instructor certified, TRX suspension training certified, TPI golf fitness certified. He has led workshops on running technique and water rower form and performance.
Click here to learn more about Cesar.