Golf is a game of failure, patience and success. You must be patient in your failure to be successful.


Eric has been working in the golf industry for the past 13 years, he started off cleaning carts and picking the range in high school and for the past 10 years he’s been an assistant professional and teaching professional. 
As a PGA member, he continues to educate himself and be an active player in section events. Above all, he prides himself in his teaching of his students. 

His teaching philosophy is simple, if we can understand what the body can and is doing, we will know what the ball can do. The more you can control your body, the more you can control your golf game.


  • 7AM - 3PM
  • 11AM - 8PM
  • 11AM - 7PM
  • 7AM - 3PM
  • 7AM - 3PM
  • OFF
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